Thursday, September 21, 2006

An Artful Life

I started a new tissue box yesterday... if for no other reason than I am a glutton for punishment! I hope to have it finished by the end of the week with photos to show you. Okay... Monday at the latest.

I've also been working right along on my latest, *more simplified* fabric collages. I should have photos of those soon, too. I just realized that the end of the week is tomorrow. So perhaps Monday is looking more realistic.

I've been researching new shows for early 2007... mentally gearing up for the application process. I read somewhere recently that applying and putting yourself out there gets you used to the rejection. In some weird, demented way, that is correct. Rejection isn't so bad so long as you don't let it define you. It is just one person's opinion. End of story. Of course, it's okay to wallow and be depressed and hurt. But then you just pick yourself up, dust yourself off, and get right back on the horse. (And margaritas don't hurt either!)

I had dinner last night with my dear friend Marilyn Werst. I met her at Fiberfest in June. She and her husband are visiting from Kentucky, and she found time to fit a dinner with me and Steve into her busy schedule. It was wonderful to have the hubbies meet, but even more wonderful to just sit together and laugh and share life stories. It was like we never left Issaquah. Too soon the evening was over and I'm back in the land of contact via cyberspace. Marilyn, you are THE BEST!! Thank you for putting a precious sparkle in my week!!


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